NAFTA - National Aerobics & Fitness Trainers Association

Sideline Help


Steele, Marshall
Copyright 1996

About the Product
Make the right call every time an injury occurs! From minor ankle sprains to serious head injuries, Sideline Help has the information you need to respond correctly to all 18 common sports injuries.

This highly visual, easy-to-use manual provides practical advice for making important decisions when an athlete is hurt and a medical professional isn’t available. By using the guidelines in this book, coaches, parents, physical education teachers, and others will be better able to take appropriate action in those critical first 10 minutes after an injury.

Sideline Help is divided into four sections:

  • Critical injuries
  • Internal organ injuries
  • Facial injuries
  • Extremity injuries

Each section is color-coded for quick reference. For each injury, an easy-to-follow flowchart guides you step-by-step through an on-field and sideline evaluation process. The flowcharts help you determine

  • The type of injury sustained,
  • the athlete’s physical and mental status,
  • the severity of the injury,
  • whether to call for emergency help,
  • whether the athlete needs to see a doctor,
  • what first aid procedures should be started, and
  • whether it is safe for the athlete to return to play.

No more guesswork! The simple instructions tell you what signs and symptoms to look for and what action to take, based on the symptoms you observe.

In addition to giving specific tips for handling 18 injuries, Sideline Help contains eight important checks to perform in your evaluation, emergency care guidelines, and information about bleeding injuries, splinting, assisting an injured athlete off the field, common minor injuries, and what to include in your first aid kit.

Sideline Help itself is an essential item for any sports first aid kit. Read it and keep it on hand, so you’ll be prepared when injuries occur.

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